Friday, August 28, 2009

Chronicles of S & T- Part 1

So, I think the kind of crazy shit T and I get up to is totally blog worthy. Hope you agree.

Our house is divided into three separate apartments, we live in the back part, the two bedroom is above our part of the house and the one bedroom is in the front. It's like living in a house-shaped apartment building. Today we spent a good 15 minutes throwing shoes at the ceiling and then listening for the neighbours above to walk over to see what the noise worked.

Later in the day we finally became 100% fed up with the vomit inducing, grandma-esque furniture and decor that our beloved (or opposite of..) roommate F has taken over the house with. The best we could do was take down the paintings. The adhesive wall hook holding up painting one, which was a series of some blue trees on some silver stuff..or something?..., came off the wall quite easily. However, the hook holding up painting two, (which is a tacky and mildly creepy picture of two children sitting together on the beach, one with his arm around the sweet...) caused a bit of a problem. And by a bit of a problem I mean it ripped off a chunk of our living room wall. The house is a rental.

After realizing how stupid it is to have those adhesive things all over the house, we went around to count how many more she had hung up. Count= over 30 still hanging and over 3 holes where some used to be. The holes were covered up with more tacky decorations. For example, a heart shaped sign that says "so this isn't home sweet home, get used to it". Rude.

Early this morning hung over and miserable T got her lazy butt out of her bed and I got mine out of someone else's. After getting a ride home I walk out on to my driveway (still in last nights dress and wobbling in my heels) to find our new neighbour moving in to the front apartment of the house. Her mother decided this was a great time to ask me a million questions about garbage day, campus etc. Worst walk of shame ever...mostly because it was two steps away from my front door.

The reason T and I were up so early (11:00 am..SUPER early..) was because we each had an appointment to get our eyebrows waxed. I was not ready for any kind of pain today. Can't say that T was either. Our eyebrows are still bright red. It's been 13 hours.

And we finished off the day with twirling a cat toy in a circle while poor C (the cat) chased it eagerly to the point where she was no longer able to walk straight. I am not proud.

Until next time,

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